About Mara Râh

The inspiration for creating this website struck me while researching the history of Phura village online.

I wanted to delve into the village's founding, its socio-cultural dynamics, economy, and lifestyle.

However, I was disappointed by the lack of detailed information available online, not just about Phura village, but about all the villages within Siaha District. Despite extensive searches, I couldn't find the comprehensive historical accounts I needed for my studies.

That frustration fueled the creation of this website. To fill the gap, I embarked on a personal journey, visiting numerous villages and towns within Siaha District. Through discussions and interviews with village heads, elders, and other prominent figures, and also through phone conversations, I gathered valuable insights and materials.

Siaha District comprises a total of 52 villages, divided into two RD Blocks:

  • Siaha RD Block, and
  • Tipa RD Block.

Currently, Siaha RD Block has 11 villages, while Tipa RD Block boasts 41 villages. Below is a list of villages within Siaha District, presented in alphabetical order:

  1. Ahmypi
  2. Amobyu 'CH
  3. Amobyu 'L'
  4. Amotlah
  5. Bymari
  6. Chakhei
  7. Chapi
  8. Chhaolo
  9. Chheihlu
  10. Iana
  11. Kaochao 'E'
  12. Kiasie
  13. Khaikhy
  14. Khopai
  15. Laki
  16. Laty (Lohry)
  17. Leisai
  18. Lobo
  19. Lodaw
  20. Lomasu
  21. Lope
  22. Lopu
  23. Maisa
  24. Mawhro
  25. Miepu
  26. New Laty (Lodawtlah)
  27. New Saikao
  28. Noh-aotlah
  29. Old Tisopi
  30. Pala
  31. Phura
  32. Riasika
  33. Saikao
  34. Siaha
  35. Siasi
  36. Siata
  37. Siatlai (Lotai)
  38. Supha
  39. Theiri
  40. Theiva
  41. Thiahra
  42. Tipa 'D'
  43. Tipa 'L'
  44. Tipa 'V'
  45. Tipi Ferry
  46. Tisi
  47. Tisopi
  48. Thosai
  49. Tokalo
  50. Vahia
  51. Zero Point
  52. Zyhno

Combining all these villages forms Mara râh, which translates to Maraland.