The inspiration for creating this website struck me while researching the history of Phura village online.
I wanted to delve into the village's founding, its socio-cultural dynamics, economy, and lifestyle.
However, I was disappointed by the lack of detailed information available online, not just about Phura village, but about all the villages within Siaha District. Despite extensive searches, I couldn't find the comprehensive historical accounts I needed for my studies.
That frustration fueled the creation of this website. To fill the gap, I embarked on a personal journey, visiting numerous villages and towns within Siaha District. Through discussions and interviews with village heads, elders, and other prominent figures, and also through phone conversations, I gathered valuable insights and materials.
Siaha District comprises a total of 52 villages, divided into two RD Blocks:
- Siaha RD Block, and
- Tipa RD Block.
Currently, Siaha RD Block has 11 villages, while Tipa RD Block boasts 41 villages. Below is a list of villages within Siaha District, presented in alphabetical order:
- Ahmypi
- Amobyu 'CH
- Amobyu 'L'
- Amotlah
- Bymari
- Chakhei
- Chapi
- Chhaolo
- Chheihlu
- Iana
- Kaochao 'E'
- Kiasie
- Khaikhy
- Khopai
- Laki
- Laty (Lohry)
- Leisai
- Lobo
- Lodaw
- Lomasu
- Lope
- Lopu
- Maisa
- Mawhro
- Miepu
- New Laty (Lodawtlah)
- New Saikao
- Noh-aotlah
- Old Tisopi
- Pala
- Phura
- Riasika
- Saikao
- Siaha
- Siasi
- Siata
- Siatlai (Lotai)
- Supha
- Theiri
- Theiva
- Thiahra
- Tipa 'D'
- Tipa 'L'
- Tipa 'V'
- Tipi Ferry
- Tisi
- Tisopi
- Thosai
- Tokalo
- Vahia
- Zero Point
- Zyhno
Combining all these villages forms Mara râh, which translates to Maraland.